Welcome, I am

Matteo Possamai.

I build Softwares in the Web, and in the Cloud

I am a young Software Engineer that designs and builds performant solutions for the Web and the Cloud.
I am a SDE intern in Amazon Web Services, working in the IDEs team. I am also a student at the University of Trento, in the Computer Science Bachelor's Degree.

01. About

Hi, my name is Matteo. I started programming 2018, when I fall in love with website creation in HTML / CSS / Javascript.

Then I moved to backend development, and I made an internship as Backend Engineer in ZWAP.in, where I developed their backend system in Django, while I was stating my Computer Science degree

At the moment, I am doing my Internship as an SDE in Amazon Web Services (AWS), in the IDE team, developing new integrations and features for the online platform.

Here there are the most important technologies I worked with recently and I am the most confident with:

  • Python and Django
  • Javascript (ES6 +)
  • Node.Js
  • React
  • Golang
  • Java

02. Job Experience

SDE Intern

Company: AWS: Amazon Web Services

July 2023 - September 2023

  • Worked in the IDE team, developing new feature for the console
  • Implemented LLM capabilities in the IDE, improving the user experience by 15%
  • Creating Infrastructure and business logic for allowing AI connect to IDE and console
  • Prompt engineered the user prompt, to get a 20% better LLM response`

Software Engineer Intern

Company: Zwap.in

June 2022 - September 2022

  • Worked on the backend refactor of the backend service improving performance by 83%
  • Tested the new platform writing all the automated tests, finding and resolving more than 95% of known bugs and errors
  • Improved quality and simplicity of work of non-tech collegues, developing no code solutions to retrive data and making automated routines and database queries.

Frontend Developer Intern

Company: Mamix SRL

May 2021 - June 2021

  • Worked on the maintaniment of the frontend of the company website and a costumer one, improving performance of them by 12%
  • Automaded internal tasks for the site and user experience, allowing the company save time and money
  • Improved by 5% the number of visitor per month in both sites with SEO

03. Projects

Here are some of my best projects. Check them out

My Table

Application to manage and see restaurant menus

Mad 4 Science

Pollution's levels tracker ( fullstack application )


Collaborative online enviroment for developers ( Fullstack application )


Simple social for voting and asking question with only tow possible answers


Application to measure and track your fitness progress


My personal portfolio website ( the site you are in now )

04. Open Source

Still nothing to show here, but I'm working on it!

05. Contact Me

If you want to contact me, on the sides of this page you have almost all my social netoworks and email, but if you want here there is also a form where you can send me a message directly.

I am opened to receive job offers, freelance work, requests of consultancy or just to talk to anyone who desires to do so. I hope to hear you soon...